Friday, April 27, 2012

Doubles at Albertsons 4/29-5/1!

Have you ever heard the word doublers floating around the air in grocery stores? Have you wondered what the heck that  word meant? Well I am here to answer that question.

So what happens at Albertsons about every two weeks is a mad frenzy called "Twice the Value". They put out these magical coupons in the Sunday newspaper. What these coupons do is make a coupon well... twice its value. For example if you have a coupon for $1 off then the coupon would be doubled to $2! Making a lot of things either free, very cheap, or half off.

Things that I have gotten with "Twice the Value" coupons in the past:

Nivea Lip Care: $1.99
Used $1/1 Nivea coupon
Final price: FREE

Colgate Total Toothpaste: $2.33- $2.50
Used $1/1 Colgate coupon
Final price: $0.33 or $0.50

Hormel Chilli $2.19
Used $1/1
Final Price: $0.19

Now that you know it saves some money you may be asking yourself: How is this done? Well my friend, here's how its done:

1. Get yourself a Sunday newspaper-- you don't need to subscribe, you can just go down to Wal-Mart and get one for $1.50 when Twice the Value coupons come out. Sometimes I get 2 newspapers if the deals are really good, but I recommend getting just one newspaper to get the hang of it.

2. Check out what is on sale at Albertsons with their Weekly Ad... or just let someone else find the deals ( this is what I do). At Fabulessly Frugal they have what is on sale matched up with what is on sale. Wonderful right?!

3. Go to Albertsons and get ready for some savings. I know the first trip is the craziest, and the whole time you are thinking ' How the heck is this going to work?!' Well friend, if you follow all the rules of the doublers (I recommend clicking on this link..because I missed a lot of rules, and they explain it well)-- you'll get some amazing deals. 

4. Email me @ or write a comment and tell me how it went. I love to to hear other peoples successes in saving money!

Oh disclaimer-- The prices that I write will be strictly from the Rexburg, ID Albertsons. I know some of you followers (or soon to be a follower) are from AZ here are the sites I know that have the AZ prices A Thrifty Mom and The Centsable Shopper.

Here's one of my favorite deal for 4/29-5/1 (since the coupons only are good for 3 days Sun-Tues):

General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios, Peanut Butter, Multi-Grain Cheerios, Cocoa Puffs, Lucky Charms Cereal on sale for 2/$5 ($2.50 each)

Final Price: $1.00 each!

I'll hopefully post my shopping trip and more double ideas before Tuesday. Happy Couponing!

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